Borrowing, abolished until further notice: Futher LP staking updates
We recently announced borrowing to go live on 30th Mar, alongside LP staking and a range of other DeFi suite updates for $ETF.
Borrowing risks to user treasury
Having assessed borrowing risks with other lending and borrowing projects, we’ve decided to abolish this aspect of the $ETF ecosystem for now.
We are keeping this open, for future proposals. However the risks presented, with allowing users to borrow from our treasury and potential exploiters attacking the protocol, with flash loans and a range of other complex financial instruments puts the project at large instability.
LP staking, delayed till further notice
LP staking for V3 infinite ranges, is due to go live. And our developers are currently looking at integrations with UniSwap’s API on ensuring there aren’t APY volatility shifts for all users.

We announced 30th Mar, for LP staking to go live as well. However this will likely be delayed, until further notice.
The $ETF team will keep all users updated and with insights on DeFi suite creations here on our Medium.