$ETF emissions — gone. Presalers, seed, bonds — 91%+ released
- 98%+ presaler emissions killed
- 91%+ seed salers emissions killed
- 92%+ v1 bonders & v2 snipers emissions killed
Virtually all $ETF emissions have been released from our chart. In the initial launch stage of $ETF, upwards liquidity was met with emissions liquidity from vested investor tokens.
Team Finance termination / airdrops
After the first Team-Finance termination & subsequent total investor airdrop, allowing the chart to full throttle away paper hands — the chart saw a quick recline.
However, there were still minority investors lurking — and releasing their tokens on the chart.
Letting the paper-hands & emissions out
Pushing all emissions out, gives incoming newer liquidity, little upwards resistance. $ETF’s long standing goal for a while.
Following every shakeout, is a shakein of liquidity…