$ETF Upgraded. V2 🔵 | Tailored for $ETF Price Appreciation Mechanisms.
Bonds -> Buybacks -> V3 LP. New hourly Debasing, New annual yields. This is V2.
ETHTrustFund is currently a bonds to treasury to staking protocol. In running this current ecosystem, we’ve found a plethora of pro’s for investor capital appreciation, yet a lot of ecosystem parts to improve on.
As a team, and as a community, we pride ourselves on improving this ecosystem and money market as much as we can.
Upgrades with $ETF V2
Shortly, we’ll be introducing $ETF V2. An upgraded ecosystem on what we currently have. With:
Debasing: 0.125%/ hour (3%/ day)
Staking APY's: 900%/ annum (75%/ month, on principal)
Bonding daily cap: 4% of current FDV sold to bonds/ resets @ 3pm ET
Bonding buybacks: 20% of bond sales are used to buyback $ETF (market)
Buybacks -> V3 LP: 100% of buybacks are supplied to a V3 liquidity range 10% below current FDV
$ETF bonds -> buybacks -> liquidity ranges
20% of bond sales are used to buyback $ETF, and added to a V3 liquidity range, — 0–10% below current FDV (we have already initiated one below).
With V2, we will be doing this everyday, with the bond sales from the previous day.
Offsetting bonds inflation with Daily Cap + Debasing
Tokens emissions introduced by bonds, will be offset with a daily cap. 4% of the current FDV + a 3% base amount of debasing everyday.
Offsetting bonds emissions: Only 4% of the current market cap, can be sold per day to bonds. bonds discount rate will be set at 20%. So if 4% gets sold out (+20% emissions) — we have 5% of emissions from 1 day of bonds (assuming we sell out in the day), emitted over 5 days; an inflation rate of 1%/ day. which is offset by our debase rate (3% of total supply/ day).
FDV: 2m
Bonds sold: $80k (4%)
Bonds emissions (assuming 100% of bonds are sold): 1%/ day
Debase rate: 3%/ day
Tokens emissions rate: -2%/ day
Note: This equation does not factor in, daily stacking of emissions from daily bonds.
Debasing: A 3%/ daily debase of all holder’s holdings, will occur. 0.125% of holdings/ hour will be burnt. For users to not get debased, they must start staking to offset any debasing (+ staking accrues yields & more $ETF).