Nitro-bond for increased partner token rewards + 1247% staking APY
Nitro-Bonding goes live, Tue 19th March / staking APY’s have already been increased
Nitro-bonding TLDR
Take your existing bonds, and nitro-bond for increased partner-token rewards — $BRETT | $ATOR | $VEC.
By nitro-bonding, you increase your bond lockup for 3 more days, for twice the partner-token rewards 🛡️💸

IE, you own 1% of the bond pool — you are credited 1% of our partner tokens. By nitro-bonding, you get double your partner-token rewards. So you now get 2% > 1%.
Calculate your Nitro-bond rewards
1/ View your $ETF bonds amount in our dashboard
2/ Divide your bonds by total tokens to be bonded (= your total bond weight)
3/ Your bond weight (in %) as a % of our total partnered tokens
4/ * 2
803% → 1247% staking APY
Our $ETF staking rate, has been increased from 803% to 1247%. As our treasury has seen a substantial increase in capital appreciation. Treasury capital is reflected to $ETF stakers in $ETF tokens and partner tokens.